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Grade Grievance

About This Policy

Responsible Office
Academic Affairs


Seek to overturn a decision in the regular process
Arbitrarily, capriciously, or erroneously
Randomly, unreasonably, or mistakenly
Binding decision
All parties must adhere to the decision
Final decision
The last decision in the regular process initiated solely by the student.
Suggestion, nonbinding


To ensure due process, protect the rights of individuals, and accommodate academic freedom for both the student and instructor involved in an academic grade grievance, Montclair State University undergraduates and graduates shall be allowed an opportunity to contest course grades that they believe were arbitrarily, capriciously, or erroneously assigned. Both the student and instructor involved in a case are expected to seriously consider any evidence in the light of University standards and reasonably weigh outcomes.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and, if desired, continue the process under this policy. The student must clearly present the grounds of any complaint and provide evidence using course documents, such as their graded work products, syllabus, grading rubrics, and attendance records. The grievance process must progress within a reasonable timeframe (i.e., conclude within the next semester after the contested grade is submitted).

A student may be eligible to request expediting the process, if the resolution of the Academic Grade Grievance Process could impact the student’s ability to complete an academic program on time, or to complete final requirements for graduation. The goal for expedited review would be to complete the process before the end of the Add/Drop period. Approval for an expedited review will come from the Provost or designee, in consultation with the student’s major department and/or other relevant offices, and will be based solely on the aforementioned eligibility criteria.

Phase I (Department/School Level):

To begin the process, the student must first submit to the instructor who assigned the grade, copied to the Department/School Chair/Director, a completed grade grievance form, clearly documenting the basis of the dispute, providing evidence for claims, and requested outcomes. This will be followed by a private (one-on-one) meeting with the instructor who assigned the grade. If the instructor does not respond within 2 weeks, or if the student disagrees with the instructor’s determination, the student may elevate the complaint to the Chair/Director of the Department/School where the course is offered. The Chair/Director then will meet with the student and the instructor (together or separately), and will make a recommendation to the instructor. The instructor and Chair/Director must inform the Program Coordinator or Graduate Program Director of the status and progress of the request, as well as notify the Office of the Registrar. Students intending to graduate at the end of the semester should be aware that pursuing a grievance may cause delays in the receipt of a degree and participation in formal graduation exercises.

Phase II (College/School Dean Level):

If a student decides to appeal, the student must supplement the grievance form with additional information as to why the decision from Phase I was unsatisfactory, and request a hearing by the College Dean or designee. The findings of the Dean must be submitted to the instructor and student, copied to the Chair/Director, with a binding decision on all parties.

Phase III (University Provost/Grade Grievance Committee Level):

If not acceptable to either the student or the instructor, the decision of the College/School Dean/designee may be appealed to the Grade Grievance Committee. The claimant must supplement the grievance form with the reason for the appeal, the outcome sought clearly stated in writing, and additional information. The Grade Grievance Committee shall be composed of representatives respectively elected each year by the faculty of each college and the provost/designee, and shall be managed by the Dean of Students/designee, who shall have no vote. The Committee must strive to maintain impartiality and fairness in its deliberations. The Grade Grievance Committee must send its final and binding decision to all parties as well as submit its conclusions to the Provost/designee. If the grade grievance is following an approved expedited schedule, and if the Committee cannot be convened in time to adjudicate, the Provost is empowered to resolve the appeal in its place.

A special appeal to the Provost may be made following any conclusions of the Grade Grievance Committee if there is evidence of procedural misconduct on the part of one or more committee members (e.g., decision due to bias against one party).

Decisions at each stage must be in writing to all parties using the official grievance form.


Academic Affairs, in consultation with Student Development and Campus Life, shall design, approve, and periodically evaluate the grade grievance procedure. The procedure shall clarify steps consistent with this policy, including approximate timelines.

Grade Grievance Procedure and Timeline (for Undergraduate and Graduate Students):

Completion of the grade grievance process is required by the end of the semester following posting of the contested grade.

  • No later than one week following receipt of a contested final grade, the affected student completes a grade grievance form and schedules to meet one-on-one with the instructor who assigned the grade. (The form is directed to the instructor and copied to the Department/School Chair/Director).
  • By the 2nd week of the next semester, the student meets with the instructor, who responds with a decisive outcome. In instances where the instructor is not available, the student will proceed to meet directly with the Department/School Chair/Director.
  • By the 4th week of the next semester, an unresolved or unsatisfactory outcome of a grade grievance can be elevated to the Department/School Chair/Director, who must submit a recommendation to the instructor and student.
  • If unresolved, by the 6th week, the student may supplement the grievance form and elevate the grievance to the College/School Dean/designee, who must meet with the student and make a binding decision, notifying all parties.
  • By the 8th week, either the student or the instructor may appeal the Dean’s decision to the Provost/designee, supplementing the grievance form. The Provost/designee must notify the student of the decision to review the case or inform the student that the case is being forwarded to the Academic Grievance Committee.
  • By the 12th week of the semester, updating the grievance form, Provost/designee notifies all parties of his/her binding decision or that of the Academic Grievance Committee.
  • The student or the instructor may make a special appeal to the Provost based on specific claims of committee member procedural misconduct (supplementing the grievance form with detailed evidence).

This grievance procedure is student-initiated and student-driven, but is also evidence-based. The student must complete the grievance form at all levels. All outcomes determined within the Department/School by the Chair/Director are recommendations by or to the instructor.

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